Saturday, January 03, 2009

Sea Islands YouthBuild Hemoraging CCSD Funds

If Charleston County Schools Superintendent Nancy McGinley really wants public support for closing Sea Islands YouthBuild charter school (the charter that she encouraged to form), she would do well to publicize the per pupil cost of each semester that it has been in business. Is that really too much for taxpayers to ask? [See Thursday's P & C for YouthBuild Charter School Loses Appeal.]

See previous postings on this blog for the long, sad history of bunglings by CCSD's Keystone-Kops School Board.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's too bad the board isn't asking CCSD why Burke middle school has teachers walking out on classes...STILL. Burke Middle is still in violation of failure to provide certified teachers, yet CCSD keeps that under wraps.