Saturday, January 17, 2009

Letter Highlights McGinley's Heartlessness

Do you have a child in K-5? Did you ever? Try to imagine the effects on that child of riding a school bus for one hour in the morning, going to school for a full day in a large, unfamiliar environment, and then riding an hour home at night. Horrendous, isn't it? Top that off with the idea that your job requirements or lack of transportation will prevent you from being involved with that far-away school in any way.

Nevertheless, that is the option proposed by Superintendent McGinley of the Charleston County Schools for children living on Edisto or Wadmalaw Islands. Why aren't you angrier about it? These are rural schools, not part of some suburban sprawl outside of Philadelphia!

Gwen Siegrist in her Letter to the Editor in Thursday's P & C points out the obvious: " the comfort of familiar surroundings to students and parental involvement do more for improving learning than other changes."

The writer also suggests that moving Calhoun Street staff into "more productive positions" and even (The Horror! The Horror!) having those qualified teach for a few years in the classroom "would do more for the education of students and the district employees than having the staff sitting in an office planning another change in curriculum."

Siegrist's letter highlights the reality that, for McGinley, it's not about the students.


Anonymous said...

edisto7789You've got that right. The people of Edisto are outraged. We're fighting back but the deck is stacked against us. For more on our efforts go to

Thanks for your concern.
Bud Skidmore

Anonymous said...

As a former teacher from Hollywood, I'm outraged that Dr. McGinley would consider closing these rural schools. She and her staff should have to take the bus journey these children already take just to get to their existing schools. Then she needs to ride the bus they would have to ride if her plan goes into effect.
Thank you, Mr. Skidmore and thank you, Babbie.