Thursday, January 04, 2007

Time for Critical Thinking--The Don Halt and Oak Terrace Preserve

Still puzzling over the lack of a halt on the Don Holt this am--maybe rubberneckers stayed home because it was raining?

On the subject of critical thinking, has anyone else noticed that articles in the Your Lowcountry section lack it? Could this lack be a policy of the Newsless Courier? Apart from being frustrated by lack of news from the West Ashley area where I grew up because I live in the "special to readers in North Charleston and Berkeley County" area, it does strike me that this weekly section of the paper presents entirely POSITIVE news / features on whatever appears. Consult Jasiri Whipper's feature called "Waste Not: Old Lumber Mulch for New Homes" that appeared in today's paper [not to be found on line, I'm afraid]. It touted the recycling of materials from the old houses demolished in the Century Oaks neighborhood in North Charleston where the Noisette Company is developing Oak Terrace Preserve.

It's admirable that recycling takes place, but isn't there some backstory to this phenomenon? What Art Titus, Noisette's VP, isn't going to bring up to the reporter? Namely, all of the controversy surrounding the selection of Noisette by the North Charleston City Council and the years of financial questions?

Yes, Noisette was selected [without a bidding process] on the basis of its expertise [limited at best] in using "green" methods of development. If it were not using them at this point, THAT WOULD be a story! Surely with a little digging the reporter could have found this out.

"Noisette Fulfills Promise to Build 'Green.'"

Given how many promises by Noisette have NOT been fulfilled, that should have been the focus--finally, good news!


Anonymous said...

Oak Terrace Preserve is in a bad school district with no affordable homes. According to Rochelle Johnson:

Oak Terrace Preserve, this is a sustainable community that will have approximately 300 single family and 74 town homes. Our marketing materials should be available by next month, however you can visit our website at

The houses will range between 1200 to 2400 square feet in size with starting prices at $200K. We have approximately 12 homes currently under construction. The townhouses will be 800 to 1200 square feet in size starting at approximately $140K-$150K in price. Town-homes will begin construction approximately late Summer/Fall 2007, with first town-homes being ready to move in Spring/Summer 2008.

We have 8 approved builders, to view house plans several builders have their plans located on their own website, which you can access through our website.
Builders should be contacted directly.

The HOA fee will be approximately between 400-600/year. The HOA dues will cover the maintenance of community landscaping (not including privately owned property), alleys, pocket parks, sidewalks and the perimeter path.

It's a joke.

Anonymous said...

Where are the affordable home sin Charleston? Will you get "better" schools by having more affordable housing? Homes in OTP are price very competively for Park Circle. You'll actually find a number of smaller homes in need of repair being purchased (not just on the market) in Park Circle for the same price as a new home in OTP. The schools will get better when folks fight for them, demand them and are (shocker) are willing to pay for them. There's no surprise that state that pay higher taxes that go towards their schools have better education systems.

Anonymous said...

It seems apparent from the previous commentor's post that they are a product of Charleston's fine educational system. Perhaps reading over the draft wasn't covered in class.

Anonymous said...

I found this entry and accompanying posts while gathering information on OTP for people who might be interested. As a blogger, I take offense to anyone taking potshots at grammatical errors merely because a fellow blogger disagrees with you. Blog comments just aren't meant to be drafted and poured over. As a resident of OTP, I take offense to a blogger calling the neighborhood a joke.

It's a great neighborhood and I am thrilled to have chosen to live here after an exhausting search in practically all areas of Charleston and Summerville. It may not be for everyone, but it is proving to be the right choice for me and several others. This could possibly be the wisest investment I've ever made. And what a simple commute to downtown Chas, the beach, and anything else I need. Did I mention that we are in walking distance of Park Circle, the quaint downtown, Aunt Bea's diner (complete with post office inside!), the duck pond, and countless other simple pleasures in life?

If anyone is interested in OTP, I would highly recommend checking it out. For questions you may go to in addition to other search results.