Friday, January 31, 2014

CCSD Takes Common Core Dog-and-Pony Show to Community

At least the Charleston County School Board reduced the $15,000 that Superintendent McGinley proposed to spend on Common-Core community meetings by two thirds!

Let me predict how these dog-and-pony shows will go:

  • administration will pack the audiences with district employees who support the program;
  • the superintendent and/or her assistants will present a Power Point program touting the many benefits of Common Core, especially its so-called emphasis on critical thinking;
  • audiences will be encouraged to break into groups of six to eight facilitated by a member of administration to voice their concerns;
  • any questions for the superintendent will be vetted in advance and the time for them limited severely.
Let's see if I'm correct. McGinley claims she hasn't made up her mind on the Common Core.

Don't you believe her.


Jim Isle said...

Babbie, you left one point out. At least 3 of the community meetings are scheduled to conflict with regularly scheduled county school board meetings. That means our elected representatives on the board will not likely see this dog and pony show for exactly what it is.

Anonymous said...

This dog and pony show-including the original $15k price tag came directly from the Strategic Ed Committee, where Tom Ducker has spent FIVE months demanding the district conduct these meetings. This is what our elected board members spend their time focused on-how to conduct public meetings so their political allies can attend.