Thursday, January 02, 2014

Autocrats at Charleston's Breakfast Table: Budig and Heaps

The op-ed commentary appearing in Thursday's paper purports to pinpoint the errors of today's attempts at educational reform as seen through the eyes of a former university president and a former College Board vice-president. Basically, Gene Budig and Alan Heaps complain that efforts are too disparate and too messy because so many voices contribute to the national discussion. 

What our two "experts" really hate is the democratic process. As they succinctly put it, "In most countries, policy is made by a central authority." They decry the American process: "Here, school policies are made by a wide array of actors, all with their own ideas and agendas: federal, state and local governments, public and private schools/universities, unions, think tanks and foundations, book publishers and test makers, and student and parent groups." Imagine. Even bloggers express opinions.

Golly. If only Budig and Heaps could control reforms in education, its problems would be solved.

The writers do not mention the Common Core, but, given its supposed standardization of what students learn, they must favor its implementation. After all, the College Board is positioned to gain millions from changes in curriculum and testing that Common Core demands.

Apparently we need an educational Stalin in this country to set us all straight.

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