Tuesday, June 04, 2013

CCSD Asleep at Switch of Navy Base

The most startling aspect of the Charleston County School District's legal fight for its right to the Naval Base property formerly used for the Academic Magnet High School is its claim to have spent millions renovating the building. Anyone who visited the school during its use would have wondered where the millions went!

Not so startling is the district's inability to keep up with what was happening to the property as it was sold to Clemson six years ago. Its claim that North Charleston "agreed" to give it the property without putting that in writing is pitiful. Not keeping tabs on Mayor Summey's wheeler-dealing is pitiful.

Is there any reason to believe that the district had a right to the property once it stopped using it for "educational purposes"? Wouldn't that have been a condition of the 50-year lease?

And, in hindsight, wouldn't it have been smarter to allow a charter school to use the building?


Anonymous said...

To Mayor Summey: Now who do you trust?

Pluff Mudd said...

Still think the school district doesn't need an independent performance audit? Any real estate transaction in this state must be in writing to be legal or enforceable. Verbal agreements don't cut it. Again, millions were spent on the property? Show me. Show us. CCSD needs to be thoroughly audited. Nancy McGinley, Michael Bobby, Bill Lewis and Fred File have a lot of explaining to do.