Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Speak Up on SC School Choice Bills

Want your voice to be heard by those considering school choice bills? [see School Choice To Be Vetted by Senators on the P & C's website]

The senate committee " will take testimony from 9 to 11 a.m. [Thursday] on two bills. The first would offer tax credits and create a scholarship fund to help parents pay for private school tuition. The second would require local public school districts to offer additional instructional choices to parents."

Our local NAACP heroes were armed with quotable quotes for our intrepid reporter:
"Dot Scott [. . .] said [Senator] Ford is not considering all the facts as he advocates for his bill, including the fact that private schools are not obligated to accept all children. The Rev. Joe Darby [. . .] said the futures of a lot of children are at stake."
Here's how you too can be heard. Email any of the following with your opinions:
Robert Hayes, Jr. :
Luke Rankin :
Michael Fair:
Harvey Peeler, Jr. :
Larry Grooms:
Thomas Davis:
John Matthews, Jr. :
Phil Leventis:
Gerald Malloy:
Joel Lourie:

No doubt they would appreciate hearing from those who actually have children in the system!

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