Thursday, October 23, 2008

In Case You've Forgotten Who Kandrac Is

An underfunded candidate running for CCSD School Board from North Charleston is Elizabeth Kandrac, who made national news headlines by winning her discrimination lawsuit against CCSD two years ago. In case you just moved into town or have been on another planet, you can check out Kathleen Parker's 2007 take on the case at : The Black and White of 'Ho' Culture.

Because I can't think of anyone running who is less likely to be a cheerleader for business as usual in CCSD, I'm going to take my opportunity to "bullet vote" on this one. North Charleston has two seats. The two other candidates have yet to pry themselves away from adoration of present CCSD School Board members. We need "outsiders" if the culture at 75 Calhoun is ever to change.

Vote for one in North Charleston. Kandrac's chances of winning will increase.


Anonymous said...

By naming those who can't "pry themselves away from adoration of present school board members" and the administration's perpetual policy to spin its own concoction of the can add Chris Fraser and Ann Oplinger. You'd think a couple of people with their experience and intelligence would be willing to ask tough questions and listen to all sides. They are on the same band wagon as Toya Green and Gregg Meyers. Probably already drinking Gregg's Kool-Aid, too.

Electing people who will stir things up at least forces the administration to answer questions instead of getting away with just spoon feeding an adoring board. But if we elect a super majority to fall in behind Gregg Meyers, we can expect more of the same. That means fewer choices and far less truth about what's really going on behind closed doors regarding our public schools.

Anonymous said...

The Post and Courier edited Kathleen Parker's column...the only paper in the nation...
Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Gregg is incapable, I know that is hard to believe, of finding the right usuage of drink, drank and so forth, so he uses the term "tasted the kool aid". Speaking of tasting the kool aid, that boy fell in the entire vat of it. Vote Altman, Engelman, Kandrac and Stewert. They will shake things up down there.

Anonymous said...

What exactly was the word the P&C left out of the Parker column that every other newspaper published? Sometimes more is said by what is left out than what is included.