Let's play charades! CCSD administration and particularly School Board member Gregg Meyers have the game perfected. Why, Chip Campsen even admitted as much in Wednesday's edition of the
P & C. [See
School Panels Lure Few for these unguarded comments.]
Ready to play? My category is a quote or phrase, so imagine quotation marks.
I'm holding up four fingers, one for each word, and I'm working on the fourth word. I'm laying four fingers on my arm for the syllables. I've put my hands together with the fingers interlaced and waving, so that they appear to be eight people.
Yessss! On the nose--the word is "integrated." That's "status as being integrated."
Read on.
P & C laments that few have chosen to run for CCSD's constituent boards. As Courrege writes, "their increasingly limited powers and responsibilities have led to growing frustration among their members and waning interest in this second tier of the district's structure."
A statement from Doug Berger of the District 20 (downtown) board reveals the downside of constituent membership: "'You can only beat your head up against the wall for so long. . . ; Constituent boards have a lot of inherent value, but without a budget and being able to get an FOIA request honored, we're put in a stranglehold.'" Strangled, of course, by 75 Calhoun and School Board members like Meyers.
Getting rid of the constituent boards would change the structure of CCSD, and "Constituent boards were part of the reason the courts found the school district to be desegregated." Thus, "
changing the district's structure could disrupt its status as being integrated [italics mine] and lead to lawsuits and expenses."
Well, so long as the Justice Department thinks that the District 20 schools are
integrated, we can breathe easy.
Meyers adds that "the state could make any change it wants to the district's structure, and it wouldn't affect its status as 'unitary.' The state could get into trouble only if it makes changes motivated by a racial discriminatory purpose or whether those changes have a racially discriminatory effect."
He should know. According to those statements, CCSD is already in trouble.