Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Moving on Down the Road

A brief (we hope) hiatus will occur as we pack up the computer and move down the road about two miles. If Comcast keeps its promises, we'll be back in business by Friday. You're welcome to use this posting as an open thread to comment on various problems with CCSD and its Board.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to make comments about the primary election results. I wonder if the losses of Dwayne Green and Nancy Cook in their races were in some small way a referendum on school board leadership. In Green's case, he had the baggage of his wife's reputation as a member of the county school board. Cook's baggage is her own. Do these results and the recent loss by Hillery Douglas in his race for mayor of North Charleston point out that no member of the county school board is a hero in their own backyard. County school board members might win a county-wide race, but recent elections indicate these people are not exactly loved by their neighbors who know them best. Too bad Toya Green's seat is elected at-large and not specific to the people she is supposed to represent.

Anonymous said...

I'm a yellow dog Democrat but how can anyone blame Ravenel for the problems in District 20? Greg Meyers and Hillary Douglas are the ones that have been on the board for ages.

I don't believe that downtown schools suddenly got into this situation in the year Ravenel has been a board member. I guess it's easier for the long term establishment on the school board to point fingers rather than accept blame for the apartheid education system they have ruled over in District 20.

This "bitch" issue is a great distraction for the headline grabbers. It of course gets all of the press because it has NOTHING to do with educating children downtown.

Anonymous said...

Don't rush, Clelia.

Anonymous said...

I officially feel like I'm reading the National Enquirer as opposed to the Post and Courier. Did they really think we wanted a FOIA request on this?...Much less a 3rd story on it???
What's happening over there?

Anonymous said...

Nancy McGinley's spin factory is working overtime.

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think Elliot Smalley is no better than Jerry Adams.

Anonymous said...

Where are you,Babbie? Comcast must not have lived up to their promise. Miss seeing your commentary.

Anonymous said...

Comcast is doing something good for a change. Or maybe Clelia's bosses at Bishop England have finally put a gag order on her rantings.

Either way, silence is golden.

Anonymous said...

The Post and Courier wins the Kremlin Award for censorship and political correctness by sucking up to the establishment. Have you noticed that its editorial staff manages to select for publication, with a single exception, only the letters critical of Ravenel's recent vocabulary disfunction? The newspaper's own blog is filled with calls for the paper to focus more on the real news about our schools and ignore this tempest in a silver tea pot. The rants against Ravenel are much fewer than the editors would like the general public to know. I also found it interesting that the paper's questionably wise and articulate editors insisted on calling the word obscene and profain that was at the center of Ravenel's verbal breakdown. If that was the case, why did the editors have no problem reprinting the word, not once but twice in two separate letters to the editor? If it was that much of a problem for a school board member to utter in private, then wouldn't it be more of a problem if it was reprinted in a G-Rated publication so gratuitously? You would think that the same editors might be accused of using words and ill feelings with the same abandon as this undeniably passionate representative of the people.

Oh, and for all of those who insist that a student would have been expelled for using such language, NOT! Just look at the special treatment given to the students at Buist involved in the confiscated journal incident. Or the kids at Brentwood and administrators at Brentwood. The first cost CCSD its validity and the second cost CCSD a lot of money. Neither resulted in a student or principals suspension, much less expulsion.

Anonymous said...

Hey Folly,

Just because people are ranting on the P&C's website, much as the rantings on this site, doesn't mean people are writing letters to the editor in equal measure.

Your ranting, like almost every other here, is based on no fact whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone hit a nerve. It's old news that the P&C stacks the deck on what it wants the public to read. All the wasted ink on who said what about whom just hides the real story. Now what's the editor going to say about selling more real estate to pay for general operating expenses ....again? Time for these people to go even if the P&C doesn't thinks so.

Anonymous said...

The Post and Courier only publishes the letters to the editor it chooses to publishes. We all know that.

Anonymous said...

Since this is an open discussion...It seems one member of the county school board's law practice is elbowing for more face time in the Post and Courier. Meyers took center stage this morning lashing out at fellow lawyers and a judge, too.

This phrase particularly got my attention which I thought had been attributed to Gregg Meyers, as much as it belonged to his co-counsel David Flowers.

It's ironic that Gregg Meyers finds fault with Larry Richter, an attorney for the other plaintiffs in this child abuse case. He's supposed to be on the same side for crying out loud, yet he's demonstrating his willingness to trample on the other victims so he can get paid more. Gregg Meyers has a lot of nerve to accuse Larry Richter of having "a conflict of interest concerning [his] affiliation with the Catholic Church even as he [Richter] represents clients in a case against the church..."

Maybe someone should suggest that Meyers recuse himself from now on when matters concerning Buist Academy, James Island Charter High School, Charleston Progressive and District 20's complaints come before the county school board. His contempt for those who support fair access to these schools is well known. Some might say he's too personally involved since he's been a Buist parent from the beginning and is currently an AMHS parent. What does Meyers say about those who continue to suffer from his abuse of his position in determining the fate of our failing schools? What about those who have been cheated by the downtown public schools as Gregg Meyers protects the cheaters? Is Meyers to be believed when he says that Memminger will be staffed just like Buist? He lied and the Post and Courier hangs on his every word.

In a manner of speaking, Meyers has in his own way abused the hell out of a lot of downtown kids with his self serving performance as a county school board member. His public statements concerning this case show that his primary focus is on his fee and he cares very little about the hypocricy of his argument.

Gregg Meyers brought this into the spotlight of public discussion all by himself. He must know that this argument could be used against him. Meyers must also know that sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.

I feel for his clients. They suffer as their attorney inflates his ego at their expense.