Thursday, July 28, 2016

CCSD's Trustees Must Push for Curriculum Overhaul Leading to Careers

"Students need on- and off-ramps that allow them to pursue a career and then return to college for a degree or more training or to enter a college, then a career and then more training down the road," according to Neil Robinson, founder of the Charleston Education Network and chairman of the Education Oversight Committee of the legislature. 

Couldn't agree more!

Why do most politicians insist that all high school students complete studies leading to college?  Any sensible person knows that some students have little interest in academic subjects and, except for basic reading, writing, and 'rithmatic, should follow interests leading to good-paying jobs that do not require a college education. As a result of too many of these students filling the halls of colleges who are happy to use the federal loan program despite their deficiencies, thousands complete college only to take jobs that do not require a degree and spend years trying to pay off debts. That doesn't even include those who drop out once they realize they're getting nowhere--and still have those debts to pay!

European countries have solved this problem by sorting students by aptitude at around age 13. Not everyone goes to a college-prep high school; the majority attend schools focusing on jobs after high school. We do not need separate high schools (although many of us can remember the glory days of Murray Vocational downtown), but separate diplomas! The size of Charleston County's high schools lends itself to such a structure. 

Merely the will to change is needed.

While Wando has its Center for Advanced Studies, even there students must complete the same 24 units leading to a South Carolina diploma. Electives simply do not meet the need for career training.

Robinson points out, "We must update the course requirements to reflect the needs of workforce readiness in this state, including allowing for rigorous, relevant CATE coursework and allowing students to participate fully in internships, apprenticeships and work experiences."

See /sc-high-schools-need-career-path-options

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