Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How Tall Did This Year's Teaching Make Your Child?

According to an Education Week article cited by Diane Ravitch,
"Perhaps most provocative of all are the preliminary results of a study that uses value-added modeling to assess teacher effects on a trait they could not plausibly change, namely, their students’ heights. The results of that study, led by Marianne P. Bitler, an economics professor at the University of California, Irvine, have been presented at multiple academic conferences this year.
The authors found that teachers’ one-year “effects” on student height were nearly as large as their effects upon reading and math. The researchers did not find any correlation between the “value” that teachers “added” to height and the value they added to reading and math. In addition, unlike the reading and math results, which demonstrated some consistency from one year to the next, the height outcomes were not stable over time. The authors suggested that the different properties of the two models offered “some comfort.” Nevertheless, they advised caution." 
So, let's get this right: teachers' effects on students' height were nearly as large as their effect on reading and math.

Love that VAM, Superintendent McGinley?

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