What part of "no" doesn't the administration of the Charleston County Schools understand?
Late last month the CCSD School Board refused to authorize the funding of renovations to its Human Resources Department at 75 Calhoun, citing other pressing unfunded needs. The job is estimated at $140,000.
Yet here they are in January going full steam ahead.
In the spirit of cost reduction, the new proposal is to finish the renovations they have already started for $125,000. They left off $14,000 for new carpet that was to be installed in Dr. McGinley's office. In these tough economic times, there has to be some sacrifices.
Carpet made out of gold, is it?
I'll wager a bet. The renovations projects will be completed just as originally planned and at a cost higher than what the board finally approved, which was $75,000. Maybe the security fencing in the basement and the superintendent's carpet will be saved for later, but McGinley gets what she wants eventually, with or without board approval.
BTW, hundreds of personnel files relating to substitute teachers and their CCSD employment records are stored in the basement with no security at all. These employment records have go back for years and probably include every kind of imaginable detail to facilitate identity theft. Someone in HR gets a corner office in the name of security while individual employment records are kept in unlocked files in the basement along with surplus furniture and cases of unused text books. The security fencing was cut out of the revised renovations proposed by the administration for board approval in January.
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