Sunday, November 07, 2010

McGinley Ready to Pat Herself on the Back

Fresh off her win on the sales tax increase, the Charleston County Schools Superintendent, Nancy McGinley, has decided that the taxpayers are in a spending mood.

How else to explain her adding to Monday's agenda a proposal for a $15,000 salary increase and extension of her contract? (Well, of course it could be a stratagem to see if the newly elected members will be lapdogs.)

What has the superintendent done besides raising our sales taxes to merit an increase?
  • She has read the paper and discovered that CCSD suffers from a lack of literacy;

  • She has played hopscotch with principals and assistant principals until no one is sure who's at what school any more;

  • She has closed five schools so that she can brag about improving the district's track record in meeting NCLB;

  • She has increased busing exponentially and eliminated neighborhood schools;

  • She has consulted with Chicken Little and discovered that the San Francisco earthquake is coming to Charleston; and

  • She has stonewalled a proper audit of district spending or the transparency of putting district expenditures on line.

For this we already pay nearly $200,000 per year. What a joke.


Anonymous said...

None other than Ruth Jordan is pushing the new board members into supporting this. You would think Ruth has been promised a job somewhere in the halls of CCSD if she can get it passed. Oh brother, do we need an audit of this whole stinking mess?

Anonymous said...

what teachers still no raise for 2 years
WHO does she think she is?
Take a look at Goodloe-Johnson.
Seattle got a raise and then voted no confidence on Goodloe.
I'd like a vote of no confidence HERE!
We need a union!

Anonymous said...

It is outrageous that McGinley is working the new board for a contract extension and a raise for herself.

Bluesky said...

Why does the superintendent need an extension to a contract that already goes to 2013? She's got 3 more years and she wants more???Teachers only get one year contracts. The superintendent has more time left on her current contract than the 5 board members who put her there. You could say those board members' contract expires when their terms are up in two years. Oh, I think I answered my own question.