Monday, October 18, 2010

CCSD's Seismic School Workshops

District 20 taxpayers: mark your calendars.

According to a notice sent from the Charleston County School District administration to the Board of Trustees and the District 20 Constituent Board members, the project team for the four downtown "seismic schools" will meet with "City Staff members" Tuesday and Wednesday of this week at the Civic Design Center at 85 Calhoun. No time given.

Community meetings for these four schools are scheduled for October 26 and 27 "to get feedback from the community regarding their issues."

They want to hear "issues"? Please give them an earful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another CCSD railroad job with Bill Lewis as the conductor. They should be given an earful at the community meetings next week.

Don't get the notion these meetings are CCSD's idea. Not at all. Community involvement in the design process is a requirement of the city planning office. CCSD is just going through the motions.

As we all know, CCSD has no intention of listening to the public. But if the public is loud enough in stating their concerns, it is very likely the city will be listening.