Saturday, October 23, 2010

"CCSD Is on a Roll"--Downhill?

The Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce (CMCC) wants you to pay more taxes.

In fact, it wants you to pay more sales taxes, rather amazing considering that paying more sales taxes drives local customers more and more to the Internet. Probably we can assume the CMCC doesn't care about small businesses, just those standing to benefit from the massive construction projects supported by the Charleston County School District.

Such is the case with the op-ed commentary from Yes4Schools supporters J. Ronald Jones, Jr., and Patrick Bryant, a bankruptcy attorney based in Berkeley County and a video production services manager. They actually believe the propaganda put forth by Superintendent Nancy McGinley and her minions. What else could explain their opening statement that "Charleston County Public Schools are on a roll. Almost every day there are reports of impressive progress."

Gag me with a spoon. Surely they don't run their businesses with as little critical thinking.

They assert that "the buildings targeted by the referendum are on average 60 years old." Wouldn't you love to see the math on that one? Meanwhile, the list of schools needing major renovations and/or replacement includes Wando, West Ashley, and Academic Magnet High Schools.

Holy Toledo! When was the Academic Magnet building completed? West Ashley and Wando are how old?

If new school buildings were as closely correlated to student achievement as this duo suggests, Burke High School would be a model of progress today.

Meanwhile, nothing can stop the Charleston County School Board from voting to raise property taxes to cover district operating costs even if the sales tax passes. The sales tax won't pay for the district's most pressing concerns.

What turkeys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the outgoing school board says the superintendent "has met standards", according to the top secret performance review voted on tonight. But that was only because Cousin Arthur refused to participate in the stacked review (calling it a sham) and Elizabeth "Cindy Lauper" Kandrac's assessment being conveniently lost in the mail. The real news was that Janet Rose and McGinley herself ran the numbers excluding both Ravenel and Kandrac from the tally. Still McGinley can only come up with a middle of the road review. A Columbia attorney was paid to make it look like there was an objective outside referee when in reality the whole review was done in-house and by McGinley's subordinates. What kind of performance review is that? At least they didn't talk of a raise or extension of her contract. Maybe that's coming soon.