Thursday, January 21, 2010

CCSD's Pyrric Victory over Drayton Hall

Pyrric--a battle that is won at too great a cost to the victor.

For now, the Charleston County School District can crow over the latest legal ruling against Drayton Hall Elementary's charter application. For now they can hope that no rebellion breaks out elsewhere in the district, say at Wando High School.

Parents at Drayton Hall excited about separating themselves from our esteemed School Board's guidance now are both disappointed and angry. And they have resources and influence.

Charter school supporters know that the winds of change are on their side. It's only a matter of time.


Anonymous said...

The word is Pyrrhic, not pyrric, after Pyrrhus of Epirus.

Anonymous said...

The politics of this town stink. Keep fighting for your freedom Drayton Hall!

Babbie said...

Sorry about that, 12:18. Can I blame it on new contacts?