Monday, February 18, 2008

P & C Charter School Piece Good for a Laugh

CCSD is an "incubator"! Why, thank goodness. Our failing school system has a positive aspect as an incubator for charter schools, no less! I'm sure the various folk involved with the new Charter School for Math and Science got a good chortle over that one this morning, but maybe Courrege is right--just not in the positive way she spins it.

From Merriam-Webster's On-line Dictionary:
one that incubates: as a: an apparatus by which eggs are hatched artificially b: an apparatus with a chamber used to provide controlled environmental conditions especially for the cultivation of microorganisms or the care and protection of premature or sick babies c: an organization or place that aids the development of new business ventures especially by providing low-cost commercial space, management assistance, or shared services
Yes, we can agree that CCSD has provided the "controlled environmental conditions" needed for the spread of charter schools. That would disastrous policies and poor planning that have led to the mess we are in today, one that encourages parents to get their children out of traditional public schools in any way they can.

Even in a back-handed way, we can agree that CCSD has aided "the development of new [charter schools]," albeit in a negative fashion. That is, as more and more diverse groups of constituents find common cause in jumping ship from its sinking system, new charter schools are being born. However, someone needs to read the last part of the definition to CCSD: that of "providing low-cost commericial space, management assistance, or shared services." Well, actually these charter schools can thrive without the last two!

In fact, if trends keep up, perhaps the CCSD School Board will no longer need to exist.

See School district has most charter schools in state, expected to grow


Anonymous said...


What would you do if you didn't have someone else's work to criticize? Crawl back into your hole?

After telling everyone who you really are, I think it's about time I posted your home address and telephone number on here so you can take comments personally.

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that the Post and Courier is offerring free advertising for charter schools. Bring them on - it's clear our current public school isn't working.

Anonymous said...

I am looking for people of the North Charleston community to sit on the planning committee for North Charleston Charter Middle School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.

Anyone interested or know people I can contact to serve on the committee. I will be putting a write up in the post and courier soon