Saturday, January 26, 2008

Maybe Toal Got Her Training on a School Board

Here in Charleston County we deal with a school system that must be a laughing-stock to upstate districts like Greenville. Now, thanks to our state's Supreme Court Chief Justice, we can be the laughing-stock to all the Bars (and maybe bars also) across the United States of America.

If Jean Toal believes her own words as reported in Saturday's P & C, she should be named "Most Naive Chief Justice" in America. See Toal defends bar exam decision, where she lays out the supposedly-difficult choices before a state Bar meeting. At least a few flunkies and toadies attended, one quoted as saying, '"I think the court is above reproach on the whole thing.'"

Let's see, I think I put my bridge for sale around here somewhere. . . .

But, best of all, I can't resist copying some comments on the P & C's on-line edition. This person needs a blog! Who could say it better?

Joab Dowling, the late Beaufort attorney, one asked me "What do you say to a judge who tells you to JUMP?"
"How high?" I suggested.
"No, the correct answer is 'May I come down now'" said Mr. Dowling.
Perhaps the assembled attorneys of the Bar can suspend their disbelief and the laws of gravity for Jean Toal but for the rest of us it would require a leap of faith to accept Toal's tale as opposed to what we see with our own lying eyes. I would have to forget that in 1987, when I took the bar, a member of the Supreme Court managed to penetrate the sacred and mystical rites of their alleged anonymous numbering system to give the precious child of a powerful state grandee a gentle nudge into the passing lane that was rivaled only by the force of the chief justice's automobile collisions. Perhaps the scales will fall from our eyes when we gaze upon the student body of the law school and not notice that the darling little acorns of many oaks in the South Carolina political forest managed to not only land close to the big trees but whipped the law of averages and all managed to find sunny spots in that inpenetrable wood. And for the average citizen who has encountered the poobahs and plentipotentates of the South Carolina system of justice you have to be drunk not to believe that our court system is the result of a failed experiment of inbreeding with the last dying gasp of what deToqueville called the last vestige of aristocracy in America.
The only proper response to Chief Justice Toal is "Ha ha ha ha ho ho ho chortle chortle chortle."

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