Monday, January 28, 2008

Finally, Some Respect: Misleading Headline

"States Fight Teacher Abuse" announced the headline above the fold in Monday's P & C.

Most teachers reading that headline must have had the same reaction as my cohorts and I: thank goodness, someone has finally realized how abused many teachers are in this country and is prepared to address the verbal and physical abuse that makes the lives of some dedicated teachers miserable and causes many to leave the profession entirely.

How silly of us! It was about strengthening punishments for teacher-student sexual misconduct. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teachers in South Carolina will not be able to effectively do their jobs until they have the power to tell a student to get out for unruliness.

Public schools in South Carolina will not be effective institutions until the school administrators figure out what to do with the students that teachers kick out of their classrooms for unruliness.

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