Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lame-Duck Bleecker: I Know It When I See It

The famous quote, "I know it when I see it," from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart applied to pornography. Nevertheless, Anne Frances Bleecker, lame-duck member of the Charleston City Council has now proposed an ordinance that would allow Mayor Riley to set up a committee to peruse all campaign shenanigans in the Lowcountry deemed by Bleecker "not what we do in Charleston" for slander.

As quoted in the P & C:

Former mayoral candidate Mark Knapp: "about as totalitarian as you can get"

Present Council member Larry Shirley: "the thing would be jury-rigged from the very beginning" and "this is not kindergarten"

Surely they still remember Free Speech at at USC Law School these days! Just maybe not on the City Council.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Mayor Riley would cite himself as a violator for the 6,000 letters of endorsement he sent out under his letterhead as mayor in support of Toya Green's campaign for the school board? What about Hizonner's strong arm tactics to get certain school board candidates to withdraw from their races so his chosen few wouldn't be under cut? Asking Mayor Riley to have "I know it when I see it" oversight over election campaigns truly is idiocy. Charleston is moribund until the end of this administration. Forget planning for a future and don't bother asking about this city administration's ability to adapt to changes all around.

Anonymous said...

For Joe Riley to weigh in on this is ludicrous. He was the nastiest of all folks in this last school board election. They ask Leroy to step down to ensure Jordon's win. Joe has done this several times before. He is the pot calling the kettle black,

Anonymous said...

Even before the new city council is to be sworn in, it looks like this proposal never made it out of the starting gate. There weren't enough supporters and the proposal has morphed into a toothless resolution...just as well.