Monday, December 17, 2007

Deja Vu in Seattle: Supt. G-J's Vague Ideas

For the full story, check out the blog, Can't Connect the Dots from Save Seattle's Schools.

Isn't it time that we see something more concrete from the Superintendent? For a person who talks about clear, objective, measureable goals, we've only got a lot of vague ideas so far.
* Isn't she supposed to spill out a whole package of plans for improvement in January?
* She has put the word accountability into just about everything, but I've yet to see anyone held accountable for anything.
* She says that accountability means that Seattle Public Schools understands our data and we use it to set performance targets for the district, school and classrooms.
So where are these performance targets? Are they secret?


Anonymous said...

Hey Clelia,

I was wondering...does the person who "writes" the Seattle schools blog actually work for the school district (unlike you and CCSD)?

Anonymous said...

No, the Seattle schools blog is a group effort of named and unnamed contributors. Some of those who are named are former Seattle school board members, most are parents, and very much like this blog, all genuinely care about improving public education in Seattle, as we do in Charleston.

The "Save Seattle Schools" blog also allows for differences of opinion, temperments and talents of the various contributors. Each tries to educate and inform others as to what is going on in the system. We may be more cynical, but Seattle has a well established system of public participation. We're still a plantation under CCSD and don't have much experience under CCSD of being part of the show. Seattle seems to realize that an exchange of ideas and concerns usually makes for better understanding of problems and potential solutions.

Their readers appear to have read this blog with a healthy amount of skepticism when they interviewed and eventually hired Goodloe-Johnson last spring. They may or may not be having second thoughts now. At least they went into their contract with her with more knowledge than we did in 2003.

Just like they are watching us, we have been watching them...because it's what you do now that we have the internet and because we just might learn something from the experience of others. (What a novel idea!)

To Butzon, Meyers or whoever you are: "Let a thousand flowers bloom" if it is in the pursuit of truth and knowledge, and may those who would deny that be left to the fate of Chairman Mao's "running dog lackeys".

Anonymous said...

So your way of "genuinely" caring about the CCSD is to complain and whine via this blog but not do anything constructive?

Anonymous said...

What is it about dialogue, debate and open discussion of public interests that is so "not...constructive"? Anonymous@1:12 would have us believe that to question authority is somehow undermining our public schools. Thieves, tyrants, dictators and lots of other dishonorable people don't like to be questioned either. Good leadership is not afraid of challenges or questions. Good leaders find and choose the best course as a direct result of being challenged. Only bad leadership and poor leaders seek protection from being challenged. Get a grip Butzon-Meyers-anonymous, questions are how we educate ourselves and teach others. Just in case these mindless cheerleaders forgot, this is about educating the community and advancing knowledge. Genuinely and passionately seeking support for good schools in Charleston County to be made available to more children, sooner rather than later, is about a lot more than just pep rallies.

Anonymous said...

10:08 only wants one to engage in debate as long as they agree with his thoughts. This district is once again reinventing the wheel and it isn't necessary. Get a grip on discipline and everything else will fall in place. Not all kids want an education. This is something they will have to learn on their own, but, if you get discipline under control and stop reporting dummy numbers on discipline issues, you will see some scores soar because the kids won't be interuppted by bad students

Anonymous said...

MGJ is at it again...doing an Op-Ed a month...or however often the local newspapers will give her space. Try this for a comment that appeared on the Seattle Schools blog. It seems they are learning early that she is full of flash and dash with no substance. We could have made the same comments on what she said in the P&C...what a waste of space.

In Seattle today (Wed., Dec. 19) they read:

"APP Dad said...
Wow, vacuous or what? Nothing actionable, nothing accountable. What a waste of an op-ed. 12:46 PM"