Thursday, September 06, 2007

Not Just a River in Egypt

He's not an addict and has never been treated for mental or drug abuse problems.

Well, that's a relief! We were so worried about his drug rehab program! His appearances in court and postponed pleas were for a trendy vacation in Arizona? That explains everything--except why Ravenel's lawyer wasn't more careful briefing him about what to say or why the judge didn't call that lawyer on the carpet for lying to get a postponement.

It would be pitiful if it weren't so self-serving.

And, speaking of self-serving, what gives with the lame coverage of this story by the P &C? How often does a state treasurer campaign with cocaine parties? From the response of our local paper, you might almost get the idea that such events are pro forma. In fact, the editors seem to have a serious lack of curiosity regarding the whole sorry mess, much of which obviously happened locally.

I'm not much on conspiracy theories, but in that same vein, how could the judge who let Pasquale Pellicoro out on bail be so stupid as to not take his passport? Such actions are taken routinely, even for those holding U.S. passports.

Those of you expecting the return of this Italian citizen from Switzerland any time in the 21st century--well, my bridge in Brooklyn is still for sale.


Anonymous said...

Bable's real name is Clelia Casey.

She teaches English at Bishop England High School.

She thinks she's an expert on an array of subjects, but in reality just blows hot air.

Babbie said...

To 8:52--Speaking of blowing hot air...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous needs to get a life . He/she is just jealous because he/she doesn't have anything better to say. People enjoy reading and commenting on Bable's commentary. Keep up the good work, Babbie.