Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Replacing SC School Buses Spotlights Promises Unfilled

Image result for kicking the can down the road gif

Do the math: if replacing South Carolina's entire fleet of school buses every 15 years requires an annual expenditure of $30 million, how many years will it take to replace it if we spend $5 million every year? (Which, by the way, we have been doing regularly for the last decade.)

Here's hoping that doesn't mean every 90 years!

What condition is your 1995 car in? Or your 1993? What! You mean you traded those in years ago? Why on earth would you do that? 

Either the 2007 legislature was just kidding, or our representatives have mastered kicking the can down the road. 

It's been a long time since the 2008 recession. In fact, it's been a decade, and our state legislators can no longer blame a failing economy. 

How many children of these legislators ride school buses slated for the junk heap years ago? 

Not many, I'll bet.

After overriding McMaster's veto, this year we'll spend $20 million. Continue that spending, and replacement will take around 25 years. 

Do our legislators drive 25-year-old cars? 

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