Friday, November 10, 2017

P & C Sides with Postlewait on Moffly's Complaints

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Some of us wondered when the P  &C would get around to reporting on former school board member Elizabeth Moffly's complaint to the State Board of Education. It turns out that reporter Paul Bowers's instructions were to show Moffly in the worst light while attempting to answer her complaints.  

Click the link for details

School Board Chair Kate Darby and Moffly are probably not friends. The reporter quotes Darby as saying, "'Education leaders in Charleston County often say that if it weren’t for the self-serving adults, we could educate children.'" 

Ouch. Careful, Kate. People exist who might put you into that category!

However, Darby [no relation] remains unable to justify Henry Darby's serving simultaneously on the County Council and as the principal of North Charleston High. As reported, "Moffly alleged that Postlewait broke a state law by hiring Charleston County Councilman Henry Darby as principal of North Charleston High. State law prohibits County Council members from holding 'any other office of honor or profit in government.'"

Well? Some wondered about the appointment at the time.

Clearly, the editors wish to blame Moffly's concerns and the 900-signature petition on those nasty Republicans. They're merely annoyed that they didn't break the story first.

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