Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Goose Creek School's Illness: Where's the Rest of the Story?

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Remember Paul Harvey? His stories on the radio left us hanging until he would return with "the rest of the story." Where is he when we need him or his ilk today?

A couple of weeks ago Westview Primary in Goose Creek sent nearly one-fourth of its 700 or so students home sick. "Mass vomiting" was the reason. While the Berkeley County School District promised to disinfect the school over the weekend, the cause remains unidentied by the press. Perhaps the district knows, but it's keeping its cards hidden. The school's announcement underplayed the incident by saying that, "there were an unusual number of absences today with several students sent home with vomiting." Over 100 counts as "several"!

Dare we mention the phrase, "food poisoning"? Supposedly "it came on very fast." If you've ever had food poisoning, you know the difference!

Follow up suggested that the outbreak was norovirus caused, and the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control promised test results last week to determine if that was so. "The Berkeley County School District never released an official count of how many students contracted the disease." 

The lack of an announcement of testing results raises suspicion. 

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