Friday, August 04, 2017

We Have Met Allendale School District, Right in Charleston County!

Image result for emergency meme

The woebegone Allendale County School District contains four schools and about 1400 students. As recently pointed out, "Three of the district’s four schools rate in the bottom 5 percent of schools in the state, which consistently rank at or near the bottom nationwide." This abysmal performance exists AFTER the state department of education supposedly helped the district by an emergency takeover in 1999. Teachers there called that help a disaster. Its school board regained control about 10 years ago. Even though spending per student is almost twice the state average, little has changed in test scores. Now the state office has declared another emergency. Maybe money isn't the answer?

If you live in Charleston County, don't feel superior too fast. Ask the question: does Charleston County have more students than Allendale in district schools that "rate in the bottom 5 percent of schools in the state"?

The answer is "yes."

The Charleston County School District is too complacent in its rankings, forever touting its banner schools, both magnets and those in wealthy neighborhoods. Its students stuck in failing schools are the dirty little secret.

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