Wednesday, March 11, 2015

CCSD Equates Teachers with Students in Make-up Day

Students lose a day off when they make up bad-weather days in Charleston County--it's the law that they must receive 180 days of instruction. So why not teachers?

The anonymous proposal put forth by the Taj Mahal met with disgust and disdain. Teachers were told that they would lose a day of personal or sick leave or vacation to make up a day when the district told them to stay home. What a great financial ploy to have teachers "foot the bill" for a day off. Made sense to Acting Superintendent Michael Bobby. Where was the proposal to do the same to administrators and Bobby himself?

Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed among CCSD school board members as teachers rebelled against this ridiculous demand, and the trustees voted to "forgive" the day in the interest of "morale."

Ah, yes. Balancing the budget on the backs of teachers. The now-dead proposal in the administration's January bulletin has become an orphan that no person will claim.

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