Sunday, May 12, 2013

CCSD: Mt. Pleasant Charter School More Equal than Others

Superintendent McGinley and East Cooper Montessori Charter Principal Judy Swanigan "have been in 'creative brainstorming conversations' for a few months," according to the P&C, and those have led to a proposal for the district to bankroll renovating the old Laing campus so that the charter school can occupy it "at a reduced rate" to meet rising demand for its program.

Substitute "Charleston Charter School for Math and Science" in the appropriate slots. Can you imagine such a far-fetched scenario?

How about its rising demand? How about its being the only truly integrated school in the entire district? How about its lack of permanent facilities? How about its excellence?


Pluff Mud said...

I wonder what the rent will be. Could they charge the charter school something like what Rev. Collins pays for using a vacant school for his church. His church pays by the hour.

Anonymous said...

I am glad I found your blog by accident.

Off Topic slightly

I have lived here for 12 years now and for the love of >< why can't they make all of the under performing schools perform like the few "sought after" schools. Please, dump the lottery nonsense process. I though about buying a house but I refuse to buy a house because you have elementary schools great one district, middle schools better in another district and high schools also in another district. The answer is not put your kids in private school.

I guess we will never have someone in charge that has the time to fix this school system.