It's a matter of public record. The committee titled "Citizens for Community Improvement" formed to support the now-passed ballot measure to raise the sales tax by one percent should have been called "
Companies for Balance-Sheet-Improvement."
- Of the more than $75,000 listed in contributions, the large majority are not single "citizens" but companies and vendors with long-standing relationships with the Charleston County Schools District.
- In fact, Heery International ($2500) and Southern Management Group ($4500 and $5500) are in contention for long-term contracts related to the construction funded by the new tax.
- Other companies and associations contributing $1000 or more include Brownstone Construction Group ($2000), Charleston Trident Association of Realtors ($5000 and $10000), Clawson and Staubes LLC ($2500), Construction Dynamics ($1000), Gilbane Building Company ($3000), Haynesworth Sinkler Boyd PA ($5000), Jumper Carter Sease Architects PA ($1000), KLG Jones LLC ($1000), LS3P Associates ($2500), Maybank Properties ($2500), McMillan Smith and Partner Architects PLLC ($2500), MWV ($5000), Roper St.Francis Healthcare ($1000), The Beach Company ($5000), Thompson Construction Group ($5000)
- Get the picture?
CCSD's construction programs are a closed shop, too. Large, out of town contractors have a much better shot a getting a piece of the $500 million pork pie than local contractors. So much for the Chamber's claims that a majority, if not all, the taxpayer contributions will be plowed back into the local economy. Not if the brick and morter is bought and paid for in Atlanta. The public needs to get a full accounting for how and where CCSD is spending out money. Otherwise, it will be more iPads for 75 Calhoun Street while classrooms get larger and more teachers and line workers get the boot.
Heery owns Bill Lewis.
Heery DOES own Bill Lewis...big time. If people only knew.
Why are Bill Lewis and Michael Bobby keeping the new construction management contract secret? At least six firms were competing for the right to be paid millions of dollars over the next 5 years. The firm that gets the contract will oversee the spending of hundreds of millions more in new school construction. Too much of this is being hidden. Who decides and will the public be told? Before or after it's a done deal? Does the board even know what's going on?
If the board actually asked the district folks simply for income statements, it would make the entire system implode.
Lewis is paid $160,000 + by the district for capital improvement coordination. If the board dug further, it would find another $40-50K in other funding sources.
I would not be surprised if he made another $50K from Heery.
If they ever nail him for his racist remarks he will lose it all.
Those close to CCSD know this is going on, but it would help if someone would come forward with specific documentation. Otherwise, the abuse of power and the administrative waste will continue unabated.
Has been documented and given to the top.
I am interested in knowing more about Heery and Bill Lewis. If anyone would like to provide more specfic information please make a posting showing interest. I will establish a method to communicate to ensure privacy and remain anonymous.
I am not a Heery fan.I need your help.
How did Heery get their hooks into Bill Lewis? Some comments about that relationship are very interesting. Does anyone have more specific information?
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