Wednesday, April 06, 2011

P& C Publishes Meyers's Rambling Whine

Would you like some cheese with that, Gregg?

  • Poor Superintendent McGinley! Imagine, some elected members of the Charleston County Schools Board of Trustees have found fault with her lack of transparency and responsiveness to questions.

  • But wait, here comes a knight in shining armor to her defense! Take that, Elizabeth Moffly. Let fly the insults! Remove the gloves! Poor Elizabeth can't even add and subtract.

  • Well, so says Gregg Meyers, former Board member and McGinley champion.

  • In his op-ed piece published in Wednesday's P & C, Meyers forays that McGinley hasn't been responsible for academics at North Charleston and Stall High Schools for the six years that Board member Moffly claims. Come on, Gregg, you know perfectly well that McGinley was Chief Academic Officer for two years before she became superintendent. That does total six.

  • The rest of Meyers's weapons don't work well either. For example, a greater percentage of schools rate as Excellent because the criterion used by the ratings changed. The district has fewer failing schools because McGinley closed so many of them.

  • Thanks to the hard work of teachers in the district, often under trying circumstances such as the new-principal-each-year phenomenon, CCSD trudges forward on the uphill track. Meanwhile, waste at 75 Calhoun and suspected fraud in building contracts continue. McGinley has done nothing to merit the affection of the taxpayers or their elected representatives.


Anonymous said...

Well said, Babbie. Elizabeth Moffly's math is correct. It is Gregg Meyers who can't count. Nancy McGinley was appointed to the post of Chief Academic Officer in the Spring of 2004. She's been either #2 or #1 at 75 Calhoun St. for at least 7 years. It's all hers. She controls what the board hears and sees, so nothing is really "Board Drive", whatever that is.

Anonymous said...

Lately, Fraser's script sounds a lot like Meyers has been writing it. Current school board member Fraser isn't that intelligent and former school board member Meyers can't let go of the strings.