Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bellyaching About CCSD Parents Unhelpful

Parental attitudes make all the difference for a child.

Who could argue with such a self-evident statement? Not I. How about this one:

Parental attitudes make all the difference for a child's educational attainment.

If the second proposition were also true, the quality of the child's school would not matter. Children of involved parents would achieve in direct proportion to the level of involvement; those of noninvolved parents would not.

Like it or not, the Charleston County School System has the responsibility to give the child of noninvolved parents a fair shot at achievement. CCSD's hand-wringing over parents who do not meet their responsibilities, such as attending CCSD's informational sessions on plans for North Charleston's high schools, will fix neither schools nor student reading levels, nor will it cause those parents to become more involved.

The playing field will never be even for those unlucky children, but schools must find ways to level out the most obvious mountains and potholes. Complaining about parents who do not show up to argue about a decision that has already been made (McGinley's sessions are aimed at parental 'buy-in') shows the emptiness of the glass of fixes sitting on the Superintendent's desk.


Anonymous said...

C'mon Babbie, get to a good story like Jimmy Winbush throwing chairs at the the townhall at NCHS the other night. Better yet, how Jimmy Winbush told a Board member, publicly, he was not going to answer that question.

How is NJM gonna cover dat?

Anonymous said...

Is this true about events at the NCHS meeting on Wednesday?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hear it from a parent that its true. He show his true self.

Anonymous said...

How would you feel if you were Chris Collins and didn't get your question answered?

Anonymous said...

North Charleston Innovation Learning Zone thing, according to the P & C

Mr. Winbush $117,500
Top other four earners in Mr. Winbush's office $279,000

Babbie; write an article about the edublob spending!

Anonymous said...

Lord help! $117,500 for Winbush? Are you serious? Of course, for how he's being used as the face for the proposed ridiculous merger, maybe he should make more!

What innovative thought has come out of the innovation zone? Just tell us ONE!

Anonymous said...

Write an article about what possible innovations are coming out of the innovation "zone". Sorry, but I'm not seeing any innovation anywhere. If the best thinking of Nancy McGinley (isn't that what was quoted in the P & C when she came out with this merger business) is merging North Charleston and Stall and she has to pull it off the table within a week (not to mention having to pull off the pairing of schools under one principal), how innovative can Winbush and his crew be? Obviously, somebody must be seriously misguiding the superintendent! Is it Winbush, or Chief of Stall E. Smalley? Someone said he's actually in charge of most decisions now. Surely, a superintendent who makes as much as McGinley and surrounds herself with all these high paid Broad wizards must not be dreaming this stuff up!

Anonymous said...

I attended the meetings about Buist last year and that was a joke. They had their minds made did not matter if we attended their dog and pony show. These parents already know it is useless to waste their time. It was for you see anything about Buist in the paper or here, now that it is in Mt. Pleasant? Interesting isn't it?

Anonymous said...

See a post about Buist and no one jumpscc all over it?!?!? What happened, maybe that is why there is so much turnover there, notice how many opening they have. Lots of students leaving for one reason or another.