Sunday, August 29, 2010

Improving Stats, Not Student Achievement

Now that the first results are in for the hundreds of students displaced by CCSD's closing of five schools, Superintendent Nancy McGinley urges patience. [See Little Progress for Students in Sunday's P&C.]

McGinley, who promised improvements when the schools were closed now says, "'I think any conclusions that are being drawn after one year are premature because children did not fall behind in one year, and they're not going to leapfrog ahead in one year,' she said." Holy cow! She even suggests that "The trauma of moving to a new school may have affected some students."

Maybe moving to another school also rated worse that average was a factor, Dr. McGinley? Maybe getting up earlier and arriving home later because of busing was a factor? Maybe lack of parental involvement because children were scattered away from their home neighborhoods was a factor?

Nevertheless, as she bragged earlier this summer, the Superintendent can now state truthfully that there are fewer failing schools in the district under her administration.

Too bad she can't say that there are fewer failing students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is nothing but bait and switch. What is wrong with our school board? This kind of shell game should have been obvious long before now. Until they figure this out thousands of children will have had their education trashed and millions of dollars will have been wasted, and for what? Just so Nancy McGinley can claim she has improved her statistics. The damage done to the "little people" involved is of little concern to her and, it would appear, to the school board.