Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Picking on Kandrac Isn't Going to Work, Part 2

A new low in public relations and transparency for Superintendent McGinley--see What's a Board Member to Do?

In a meeting of 200 administrators and principals, the mere presence of School Board member Elizabeth Kandrac so frightened Superintendent Nancy McGinley that she slandered Kandrac in comments to the P & C. Although the reporter was not at the meeting, she gave the accusation by McGinley and "staff members" already unhappy with Kandrac's questioning of edicts issued from 75 Calhoun credibility in handling the information.

In a poor attempt to sound even-handed, Courrege wrote the following:

"'They actually believe I'm here to harass the superintendent," [Kandrac] said. "I'm here to represent my constituents in the county. That's why I'm here."

"She said others are lying about what happened in order to protect the superintendent and to make Kandrac look bad because they don't like her.

"Associate Superintendent Terri Nichols and Elliot Smalley, the district's executive director of planning, marketing and communications, gave consistent accounts about what happened."

So these people whose employment relies on good relations with the superintendent provide unbiased proof of what happened? Give us a break.

According to the smear campaign, "principals and administrators gathered at the district office [felt] intimidated, distracted and unable to have frank conversations." What a bunch of pantywaists. There were 200 of them and one of her. I hope they have more nerve when they're dealing with students.

Imagine this. Meyers and company are attempting to draft board policies that will prevent Kandrac from attending meetings in that "gray area." Once they have done so, and the majority of bootlickers on the Board have approved such rules, will they employ bouncers? Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I am certainly no fan of McGinley or the other back-slappers at the Taj Mahal, but in fairness, Babbie, have you ever spoken to Elizabeth Kandrac?

She truly is on an agenda and disguises nothing of it in her trips to schools. From an excellent and unbiased source within the school, reportedly she says inappropriate things to staff and students alike.

Find out which schools she frequents then look at the leadership at those schools. See if you see a pattern.

In my personal opinion, as a taxpayer, I could care less whether or not she visits schools around the county, and I don't have any earthly idea why the school board or McGinley chose to get involved and shed light on the woman, but the woman should be kept away from children during those visits.

Do a bit more research and it may show you a different viewpoint from those expressed in your blog and the P & C

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me! Babbie is as interested in CCSD improving as much as Kandrac is.....its more fun to sit in the bleachers and bash.....

Anonymous said...

It's safer to sit on the sidelines and watch. More power to Kandrac and others like her for standing up and speaking out. All too often McGinley and others like her will strike back at anyone who has shown enough guts to get involved.

Kandrac has an agenda for sure. It's the same agenda most of us have. We deserve much better public schools than we have. Our kids can't wait while CCSD continues to experiment with their one and only shot at an excellent education.

And before anyone says critics of CCSD and McGinley's leadership have nothing to offer except to find fault, remember how hard McGinley has worked to undercut those who have offered alternatives.

Anonymous said...

"Kandrac has an agenda for sure. It's the same agenda most of us have. We deserve much better public schools than we have."

That is not her agenda. Never has been. It's unfortunate that some see her in that light.

Both she and Dr. McGinley see public education more as a battle of wills, than as a battle for children.

Take that to the bank.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Charlestonians didn't settle so often for second rate and out of touch school administrators like McGinley and too many of her predecessors, we might actually attract quality public school leaders who genuinely cared about providing a challenging education to a majority of our children. Instead we have schools designed to prepare way too many students only for minimum wage jobs. Then add insult to injury with a school board and superintendent who focus more on personal petty jealousies than their job. They care nothing at all about what goes on in the average classroom and they care even less about excellence in those classrooms or anywhere else in our schools.

Anonymous said...

It's called democracy. Kandrac was elected by the people for the people. It's also called "checks and balances." Thanks to Kandrac for actually BEING an elected public servant CHECKING on the public school system (which clearly needs A LOT of checking!). Meyers and his crew should take notes. They don't have a clue and they could care less. Their actions (or should I say, lack of actions) speak volumes.

Anonymous said...

Where are you? Have missed your updates.