Friday, September 19, 2008

Moore's Adding Insult to Injury in Sanders-Clyde Scandal

She saw the writing on the wall, so MiShawna Moore, principal at Sanders-Clyde and Fraser Elementary Schools, scrambled her defenses as best she could, sent a CYA tome to CCSD, and bailed town assisted by her (most likely) co-conspirator and former supervisor Geraldine Middleton, now Superintendent of the Halifax County, NC, schools. So reports the P & C in Friday's edition. Well, the P & C didn't actually say it that way. [See Moore Maintains Innocence.]

MiShawna Moore committed a crime ("the injury") against students and their parents at Sanders-Clyde, one that should have much stiffer penalties than it does. Her very act of inflating test scores for her personal gain belies her prior assertions that the scores of these children will improve with enhanced opportunity. Her now obvious activities reveal her prior lack of faith that the school world of these children could improve. How damning is that?

That Moore now has the temerity to suggest that these same students whom she personally has injured performed so badly (when outside supervision prevented Moore from her usual misdeeds) due to strangers in the classroom or strangers' leaving and entering the classroom shows that her arrogance (yes, that's what it is) knows no bounds. That's "the insult."

It's usually called "blaming the victim." This particular educrat has no shame.

The message to the king of Babylon ("the writing on the wall" in the Book of Daniel) was that the days of his kingdom were numbered, that he had been weighed in the balance and found wanting, and that his kingdom would be divided.

Sounds about right.


Anonymous said...

MiShawna Moore isn't the only culprit in this sad fiasco. Neither is Geraldine Middleton. Some of the worst examples of educrats who sell out these kids are to be found at all levels of the county's public school system.

It's true the kids being written off by those in charge are classified by the bean counters as mostly poor and minority. It's also true the self-serving people who are stepping on them to advance their own careers include more than just a few non-white administrators.

This isn't about race so much as it's about greed and arrogance encouraged by an institution that has grown too big and is too far removed from the communities it is unable to adequately serve. CCSD has lost sight of its charge to educate every child. The trail of poor leadership and dishonesty in the service of individual advancement goes all the way to the superintendent's office and the county school board's table.

CYA is not what Sanders-Clyde needs from CCSD right now, but it looks like that's all they are going to get.

Anonymous said...

The interesting part of the story is not the crime but the 3 year cover up. This was reported to CCSD over and over again. I have heard that this was even reported by teachers to school board memebers and CCSD higher ups.

Why would they not care? Could it be that they were all getting something out of the lie? Did it enable CCSD to turn down minority NCLB transfers to Mt Pleasant? With a good AYP at SC Dr. Goodloe Johnson and others at CCSD could even imply to white parents that they were racist for not sending their children there. MGJ even told a group of downtown parents that she would send her daughter to Sanders Clyde!

The truth is CCSD hates the pressure caused by NCLB and thought that they shouldn't have to deal with something like PACT anyway. Buist was 2 miles away and was given everything under the sun.

Ms. Moore was in an impossible situation in a traditionally understaffed, underfunded and allegedly moldy temporary building. The library was one of many projects that she had to build herself through grants from outside sources. She had to see how CCSD had a separate and unequal downtown system anytime she heard about her neighbor Buist or Mt Pleasant schools.

She would have been a fool to complain about the inequality. Buist was a school for the children of people like Janet Rose and Gregg Meyers. She had to go along when they told her the Archer Building was safe.

The children were mothered by Mishawana Moore and her staff on a daily basis. Many would say that the ends justified the means. She was able to to get a lot of attention and help for her school that wouldn't have happened with lower test scores. I don't want to defend what might be criminal actions but you can understand the frustration. She had to only look around at the revolving door for principals at other downtown schools to know that she had to deliver the right scores quickly.

The public is naive if they think that only one school is cheating on PACT.

Anonymous said...

It's just the one that was caught. McGinley and board members like Douglas and Green were more than happy to sustain the lie as long as the lie remained hidden.

It was widely known that Moore wasn't too happy about taking on Fraser as a principal for two schools, but what could she say. Goodloe could just as easily exposed what was already known among senior management. Don't forget this was Goodloe's parting gesture as she was headed for Seattle. Nancy McGinley and Toya Green both stood firmly behind it in spite of hearing the concerns of Fraser parents that included rumors about test manipulations.

Toya Green is a candidate for reelection to the board. Ask her for an explanation. She knew and discounted parent concerns or she knows nothing and is out of touch. Either way she shouldn't be on the school board unless she is willing to do more than just play to the script and defend the administration's on every issue.