Saturday, July 19, 2008

DNA & the Internet--Powerful Tools

As I read in Saturday's P & C of the burial after 56 years of a Korean War hero, the good that the discovery and application of DNA has rendered impressed me again. [See Burial Provides Closure for Family.] I can only surmise the heartache of having a loved one go missing, and that missing's lasting for 56 years. We should laud the perseverance of Capt. William K. Mauldin's family, as well as that of the Air Force, but without the magic of DNA, this father would never have come home again.

What DNA renders, of course, is information, information that 56 years ago was only a dream, if even that. It frees the innocent, convicts the guilty, and identifies the unknown. Why, DNA even empowered State Sen. Glenn McConnell to discover that he's of Norwegian ancestry (those Vikings raided Scotland, apparently).

And the Internet? Estimates say that 30 percent of the Web consists of pornography. That's not a pretty fact, but mitigating it is access to other information that was either unattainable or difficult to ferret out only a few years ago. Why, now even a politician can't get away with taking one position in Washington and another in his or her home state.

All that information to be exploited, if only the user knows what to do with it for good!

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