Wednesday, April 09, 2008

School Choice, Diversity Training, & Duck Death

Wednesday's diversions from the P & C:

"The push for school districts to offer more choices to students has been stopped this year by lawmakers."

Whose push is this? Oh, yes. The State Superintendent of Education. We're using the word "choice" here loosely, as in charter schools. If school districts need more charter schools, let's see elected school boards and community members organize them without the help of the legislature.

"After meeting with [Nancy] Cook about her controversial comment [see my previous blog about CCSD airheads] over the weekend, the [NAACP] said she should enroll in sensitivity and diversity training, and urged other members of the county school board to condemn her comment."

Can we require President Dot Scott to attend also? She believes anyone with a white skin must be racist [i.e., her previous remarks on organizing of the new charter high school downtown--a racist plot]. That couple could contribute so much to the class!

See Driver Charged in Accident, Duck Death

No wonder we have such a high homicide rate in North Charleston.

I know--it's not that funny when you read the article. Still.


Anonymous said...

After reading many of the Post and Courier blog comments (nearly 300 and counting) attached to its piece that appeared yesterday about Dot Scott and Nancy Cook, you begin to ask just how Charleston manages to be designated repeatedly as America's most polite city. Who's fooling whom? This place is about as rude as it gets. From the comments I've seen it looks like a sensitivity class in Charleston is needed for more people across the spectrum than just these two sick puppies. Miss Manners would hae been shocked long ago at the behavior of many of this city's leaders.

Anonymous said...

Will someone give me the blog address for the Post and Courier?

Anonymous said...

It's attached to their main news page. Local news headlines are shown with the lead sentences. Open the stories and click the comment section at the bottom of each story. You can read the comments to your heart's content. If you want to make comments, you'll have to register.

Babbie said...

To the first poster: exactly the crowd Cook hopes to appeal to. Her comments were not inadvertent.

Underdog said...

I agree with Babbie. And Nancy Cook got just what she wanted...PUBLICITY.

Training Tampa said...

wow...this is something i have never ever read.very detailed analysis.
This is indeed a great post, I would surely love to know more about it. I will look forward to see more