As I drive to work, I see buses marked "Durham School Services," "Charleston County School District," AND "South Carolina State Schools."
The P & C in its expose of South Carolina's aging school bus fleet made the point that all buses are owned by the state; therefore, it's the state legislature's responsibility to provide funds to buy new ones. So, WHAT is going on in CCSD?- Is the state not providing enough buses to Charleston County?
- Has the district bought buses of its own?
- Do the buses that say "Durham School Services" belong to the State of South Carolina?
Furthermore, one of my commenters had some rather disturbing information to pass along regarding CCSD and CARTA:
"CCSD had a program to give CARTA passes to high school and middle school kids which would have been usable 24/7 for an entire semester. They were also renewable for each subsequent semester and only cost the student/parent $5 each. CCSD paid the difference ($35, I think). Trouble is they only offered the program at two low income, low performing, high minority schools. Even so they didn't promote the program and as many as half of the 400 pre purchased passes were never distributed [italics mine]. It looked like they didn't want to do anything to undermine the private bus service they had under contract. Never mind that CARTA is begging for customers and provides a much more flexible, cheaper and cleaner service."
Assuming the $35 figure is correct, that would be times 200 = $7000 of wasted taxpayers' money. While we're at it, would someone please explain why CARTA isn't used by the school district?