How much verbal abuse must teachers endure? That's one of the questions raised by the revelation that for months "the students ran" Liberty Hill Academy, the Charleston County School District's alternative program for misbehaving students.
Given the ever-lower levels of public discourse we all endure, should we be surprised that "middle-schoolers at Charleston County’s alternative behavioral school threatened to kill [a teacher]. hit her with a trash can, and made graphic sexual comments and propositions" ?
"They stood on the desks and openly mocked her. They left class and roamed the halls with impunity. Her room was equipped with an intercom button to request backup from the front office, but she said students sometimes physically blocked her from pressing it. And even when she filed formal reports with the principal’s office, [the teacher] said she didn’t get the help she needed."
Haynes later trashed most of those reports. He probably hid in his office while they "roamed the halls."
If the complaining teacher was a beginner, you could see the problem might be hers; however, someone in her twentieth year of teaching would be battle hardened, so what went wrong?
Fired after 21 years of satisfactory performance, and for what?
It's the Principal, stupid. Chris Haynes. Remember that name. He's been in charge since the 2016 reorganization. If you plan to teach in CCSD, avoid wherever he is with a ten-foot pole.
On second thought, try another district!
1 comment:
Every two years (even-number years) North Carolina teachers participate anonymously in the NC Teacher Working Conditions survey. The results are public and quite revealing. Virtually every public school in the state achieves 90%-plus participation rate. Much of the data reveals the ability (or lack thereof) of the principal and the administrative team to create and maintain a positive culture in the school. Too bad South Carolina does not do the same thing for its teachers because if it did, this idiot would be exposed for what he really is in his school: A pathetic loser who blames everyone but himself for the obviously abysmal atmosphere in the building. God bless the teachers and the staff who have to work in such a toxic environment. He should have been fired months ago.
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