Thursday, June 28, 2018

Kudos to CCSD for Resources Supporting Equity in Failing Schools

Image result for tri county cradle to career

Those who agree that the status quo in the Charleston County School District is not good enough should applaud CCSD's initiative supplying $3.1 million "in incentive compensation for teachers to teach in our most challenging schools."

That's the bottom line from John C. Read, CEO of Tri-County Cradle to Career Collaborative (TCCC). As he said, "For equity to have meaning, resources (money and educator talent) need to flow to those who need them the most."

To coin a phrase, "Put your money where your mouth is!"

Together with renewed emphasis on early reading skills, such moves may make all the difference--until such time as CCSD figures out how to integrate its elementary schools.

Time will tell.

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