Friday, March 23, 2018

CCSD's Arming Teachers: One Teacher Cannot Speak for All

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"Teacher Jaime Cunningham asked the Charleston County School Board to take a stand Monday night. 'CCSD can lead the state by taking the stance that you will not support and will reject any legislation that incentives arming teachers,' said Cunningham, a teacher at Hursey Elementary who was named the Charleston County School District Teacher of the Year in 2014." For being politically correct.

"At Wando High in Mount Pleasant, the state's largest school, English I teacher Carly McRae said her heart drops every time she hears the PA system crackle to life. Ever since the school went on code-red lockdown for two hours in December, she braces for the worst. McRae and many of her colleagues say a handgun in a hip holster would not make them feel safer. Some say they'd quit their jobs rather than enter a school filled with armed teachers. 'Putting guns in the hands of me and my colleagues would not create a safer environment. It would create one of more fear,. McRae said." Well, that says something about McRae herself.

A school filled with armed teachers? Talk about setting up a straw man argument. 

These two must believe that the state should spend additional millions of dollars to place an armed resource officer in every school. The alternative leaves them cowering under their desks every time a shooter enters their gun-free zones. Even if it were possible to take every gun from every person who ever thought about shooting up a school, guns would still be out there in the hands of criminals to "make their hearts drop." 

How about a sign that says the following:

This might be a gun-free school zone.
Are you willing to take the chance?

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