Friday, December 15, 2017

Mt. Pleasant Rules the CCSD Roost with Darby's Reelection

Image result for ruling the roost

Our local rag chose to downplay the recent Charleston County School District's vote along racial lines in reelecting Kate Darby of Mt. Pleasant as its Chair. If it had been any other elected body in the county, state, or nation, you can bet it would have been trumpeted as a big deal.

Was it? Clearly the four black members of the Board are unhappy with Darby. Could it be that they find her tenure favors the white citizens of Mt. Pleasant? Nah.

Darby doesn't think so, so she and the other four board members who voted for her must be right.

"'Everyone just voted their conscience, and they wanted to see a change,' [vice chair] Eric Mack said.

What would that change have looked like, Rev?

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