Thursday, July 29, 2010

It Begins in CCSD: Taj Mahals for All

First, they'll hold hostage all those students being bused out of "seismically-deficient" schools, guaranteeing that they'll never set foot in those buildings again unless we pay more taxes.

The copious list of capital projects guarantees that Bill Lewis's cronies will eat at the public trough until every school and bus lot in Charleston County is state-of-the-art.

And why is fixing the woefully deficient athletic field at Burke held off until the end of the projects?

The most expensive schools for all and miserably deficient academics for most should be the new motto.

See School Board Plans to Ask Voters for Eight-year Sales Tax.

Well-timed, isn't it? Along with new state taxes and who knows what else on the federal level.


Alex Peronneau said...

Did anyone else see this seismic BS for what it is? Bill Lewis and Nancy McGinley are using this to push a tax increase by way of intimidation, extortion, fear mongering and now by a Christmas wish list that defies reason. If MUSC were to conduct planning like this, the fury against its president and the board would be immediate. As it stands, SC State University is being rightfully taken to task about questions concerning its transportation center. The concerns in Columbia about what is going on in Orangeburg is over a fraction of what CCSD is spending and proposes to spend again. Why no checks and balances for the second largest spender of public money in the state of South Carolina? This is a train wreck in the making. By the time we realize what's happened, players like Lewis and McGinley will be long gone.

Anonymous said...

The sooner the racist pig Lewis is gone, the better....

Anonymous said...

So people are just figuring it out that Bill Lewis has a double standard when it comes to race. Gee, I thought that would have been obvious to most of us a long time ago. Nancy McGinley thinks he's wonderful because he managed to close the schools she couldn't.

Anonymous said...

Have you taken a good look at the new school buildings scheduled to open this year? These have to be some of the ugliest factory-like schools I've ever seen. They look like they were intended as maximum security prisons designed by Homeland Security. I have no idea how effective the interior program design works for the educational mission, but the exteriors are garbage. I wouldn't want anything like one of these in my neighborhood...not even if it was the Academic Magnet High School. Geeze, entry doors set cockeyed toward the walls. Who reviewed and signed off on these designs? They obviously lacked common sense. Never mind their total lack of architectural taste.