Friday, November 06, 2009

Army Base? Please!

Proving once again that the headline writers for the P&C need to get out more, the banner headline screams "Army base" in Friday's paper. Why do I think none of them ever served in the military?

There are no Army bases.

There are Army posts.

Notice the two words have the same number of letters, so don't tell us the mistake was made to save space.


Anonymous said...

I think you have passed the reasonable boundaries of good taste, Babbie.

A soapbox when 13 young soldiers have died?

Stick to the education beat.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely......get a life Babbie, and if you find one, mix in a little "class." Prayer for the soldiers......

Babbie said...

That's right. Why should reporting be accurate?

Anonymous said...

Base, post what difference does that make in this story? What's important are the lives that were lost...come on "Babbie" you can do better than that.

Anonymous said...

Check the description of this blog, readers. Babbie is true to the published guidelines. Among other things, this venue is about the state of journalism in general and in Charleston in particular. I don't think the auther has ever attempted to make comments on this blog one way or the other about violence in the military.