Here in South Carolina, and especially in the three counties that make up the Lowcountry--Charleston, Dorchester, and Berkeley--we are being governed by idiots. The burden of sales taxes that fall especially hard on the poor is but a minor result of "not my property tax" thinking.
Who is the idiot who first proposed putting the burden of school operating expenses on sales tax instead of property tax?
We need to burn him or her in effigy.
How many shoppers in Charleston County realize that our sales taxes are higher than New York City? That's right. Higher than New York City.
No wonder that on-line shopping is so popular. Duh.
How many Lowcountry residents realize that the mega-developments of housing occurring in our counties will not contribute a dime towards school operating expenses? When you see those houses going up in Cane Bay and elsewhere, just remember that those incoming children will crowd your schools without the off-setting property taxes that would pay for new ones.
Get the picture? Our school districts live in a Catch-22 world: more and more students and less and less income.
Inevitably a drop in the economy and sales tax revenues will occur.
Where will this idiocy end?