Fifteen out-of-county students will continue to attend the Academic Magnet and School of the Arts without paying tuition. One is a senior. Cheaters win again. You just need to have money to beat the system.
Aside from either lying about their addresses or school administrators' looking the other way, don't you wonder if any money or favors changed hands in CCSD? Who are these people who believe they are entitled?
After all, especially at the Academic Magnet that education should be worth at least $20,000 per year. A great deal for residents of Berkeley and Dorchester Counties, isn't it?
And, if you believe that not a single resident of Charleston County has written a letter about this cheating to the P&C in the last week, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Concealing CCSD SAT-Score Drop
Yet again the P&C has proven itself not a news paper but a cheerleader for the area. Maybe we should call it the Pollyanna & Cheer?
The article reporting the drop in 2011 SAT scores for the Charleston County School District actually was headlined, "Berkeley County Sees Rise in SAT Scores." Clever.
It's the third year in a row that CCSD's scores have dropped. We can identify multitudinous causes for decline. However, it's the trend that should worry the School Board.
For how many years has Superintendent McGinley been responsible, either as academic officer or superintendent? When does the buck stop?
The article reporting the drop in 2011 SAT scores for the Charleston County School District actually was headlined, "Berkeley County Sees Rise in SAT Scores." Clever.
It's the third year in a row that CCSD's scores have dropped. We can identify multitudinous causes for decline. However, it's the trend that should worry the School Board.
For how many years has Superintendent McGinley been responsible, either as academic officer or superintendent? When does the buck stop?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Spiked CCSD Story, Letters to the Editor
You might just get the impression that the P&C really wishes the story about out-of-county residents attending Charleston County magnet schools illegally and tuition-free would just go away.
First, Newsless sits on the McSwain ruling regarding money's buying a seat at the Academic Magnet; now, it appears from its OP-ED page that no one cares enough about the issue to write a letter to the editor.
Yeh, right.
First, Newsless sits on the McSwain ruling regarding money's buying a seat at the Academic Magnet; now, it appears from its OP-ED page that no one cares enough about the issue to write a letter to the editor.
Yeh, right.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Just CCSD's Math, But What Does It Mean?
Seems rather startling, doesn't it?
According to the news emanating from the latest meeting of the Charleston County Schools District Board of Trustees, nearly one-third of all 2010-11 seniors did not graduate last June. Quoting from the P&C: "Charleston County graduated 67.9 percent of its seniors last school year."
If this sentence is to be believed, we are in far worse shape than we thought because the district isn't even counting those students who dropped out in the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades.
Say it ain't so, Joe!
Or maybe the reporter misstated the facts?
According to the news emanating from the latest meeting of the Charleston County Schools District Board of Trustees, nearly one-third of all 2010-11 seniors did not graduate last June. Quoting from the P&C: "Charleston County graduated 67.9 percent of its seniors last school year."
If this sentence is to be believed, we are in far worse shape than we thought because the district isn't even counting those students who dropped out in the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades.
Say it ain't so, Joe!
Or maybe the reporter misstated the facts?
Sunday, September 18, 2011
P&C Spikes CCSD Residency Problem
More CCSD lawsuits costing taxpayers more money.
A Berkeley County parent believes that her child should attend CCSD's Academic Magnet, tuition-free, and the district should be glad to have her. The parent deliberately purchased property in Charleston County so that her child could "qualify." However, attorney Gayla McSwain must not have the correct political connections, for CCSD told her that she could not pick which school in Charleston County her child could attend. Months ago, a Circuit Court judge agreed with McSwain.
Why did the P&C sit on this story? Good question, having everything to do with nefarious practices going on in the Charleston County School District for decades. Perhaps now that Janet Rose has retired she can be the goat.
Should we laugh at CCSD's attorney John Emerson when he says, "school leaders were aware before the start of this school year" that non-county residents attended magnet schools? How long before that, John? We could drag up Buist Academy and those residency shenanigans, I suppose.
Who's going to stop them?
A Berkeley County parent believes that her child should attend CCSD's Academic Magnet, tuition-free, and the district should be glad to have her. The parent deliberately purchased property in Charleston County so that her child could "qualify." However, attorney Gayla McSwain must not have the correct political connections, for CCSD told her that she could not pick which school in Charleston County her child could attend. Months ago, a Circuit Court judge agreed with McSwain.
Why did the P&C sit on this story? Good question, having everything to do with nefarious practices going on in the Charleston County School District for decades. Perhaps now that Janet Rose has retired she can be the goat.

Does the Academic Magnet turn away qualified students who live in Charleston County? Yes.
There is the answer to McSwain's suit. If her daughter wants to go to North Charleston High School in the district where the property is located, so be it. Meanwhile, magnets should be for Charleston County residents only. Period. This excludes all residents of Hanahan, Goose Creek, and Daniel Island, who all live in Berkeley County. Any students now in the magnet high schools from other counties who own property in the district should be charged full tuition. Future non-residents should not be accepted. If attendees move out of the district while at the magnet, they should be charged tuition.
You could almost be sympathetic with these no-good parents if they were poor, or even lower middle-class. Such is not the case. They're rich (i.e., McSwain) and well-connected (well, not McSwain!). They give money to the campaigns of Board of Trustee members who will see to their interests.
Friday, September 16, 2011
CCSD's Rose Doesn't Smell So Sweet

Rose should be considered the poster child for cronyism in CCSD. Under her watch CCSD crafted its oh-so-transparent Buist lottery process and promised parents living on the peninsula that they could move away from District 20, the list their child was admitted on, as soon as their child's number was "picked."
Furthermore, the reporter thought it too embarrassing to ask Rose what her actual pension is. Far from the $19,000 per year average--which probably reflects many former police and firefighters. Of that you can be sure. Rose says that her pension is "only about half of what she earned." What she earned, unlike the poor peons who actually are in the classroom, was over $100,000 per year.
That means that she's getting more than most experienced teachers make per year or have a hope of getting in a pension.
This is the educrat responsible for allowing students who do not even live in Charleston County to attend CCSD magnet schools without paying tuition.
But we shouldn't be surprised to see her sob story on the front page. After all, these are the educrats favored by the editors of the Post and Courier.
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