Wednesday, May 28, 2008

To Draw Attention from CCSD Board's Failures

The P & C is at it again. And why not? No news source in the Lowcountry will counter its propaganda. Well, The Chronicle might, but unfortunately it doesn't have much clout.

So it is that once again the local rag finds Arthur Ravenel's comments of a month ago to be front page news, complete with Board Chairman Douglas's sanctimonious posturing, while important new information gets buried in the back pages. Instead of headlining Ravenel's Comments Denounced, the news should have read " CCSD Finally Votes to Revoke SeaIslands Charter." But then the focus would have been on the Board's AND the Superintendent's failures instead of Ravenel's.

Let's not forget who bear the responsibility for encouraging this charter school in the first place.

One way that McGinley and her cronies could build a bit of "street cred" is to admit their mistakes. Why, if they like, they can even say "Mistakes were made," not naming themselves.

Not going to happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's too much to hope for. Good leadership is not only willing to admit mistakes, but such are also glad to learn from their mistakes. Not likely to happen here. We only need to look at city hall for the example we have too long followed. Maybe the next generation will try it just because it represents change and a break with the past.

Too bad The Chronicle isn't on line. It might have more clout if more people knew it existed. It wouldn't take much to run circles around the Post and Courier. Unfortunately, The City Paper is too dependent on the same advertisers as the P&C, so it won't rock the boat any more than it already has.