Of course not. It was about a spat among CCSD school board members facilitated by employees of 75 Calhoun. [See Threats to McGinley's Job Alleged ].
Lost in the explosion about "he said--she said" was the reason for the anger. Found in the detritus was a stick to beat members of the school board (mainly Arthur Ravenel, Jr.) who don't take directives from Gregg Meyers et al. Seizing the chance to overreact in an election year, Douglas and his toadies made noises about changing the policies of the Board so that language might be a cause for public censure: "A board member who violates the code could face public discipline."
Spare us the sanctimonious simpers. No one excuses foul language, not even Arthur Ravenel, Jr., as it seems from his later TV interview today, and his explosion of temper was truly uncalled for, for the person who took the agreement with the Charter School for Math and Science to use the Rivers building off the Board's agenda was not present. In fact, no one has said who took it off, so we must read the tea leaves. Judging from remarks regarding the Superintendent, it must have been McGinley.
Needless to say, the P &C ignored the issue, hoping not to pick at the scab that has formed over the ongoing dispute between organizers of CSMS and the school board, which is seething quietly over its inability to stop CSMS's fulfillment. That continues to be the real story.
Oh, and one other observation. Courrege apparently parrots whatever Meyers et al say to her. How else to explain the statement that, "Cook and Toler frequently vote with Ravenel on controversial issues"? That statement was, of course, made to cast doubt on their neutrality in the dispute. Instead, it reveals the reporter's ignorance about the relationship between Cook and Ravenel.
May we get on to the topic at hand--when IS the CCSD board going to grapple with the CSMS agreement? When hell freezes over?
If a board member should be subject to punishment for bad behavior or unprofessional language, where does this put School Board Chairman Douglas who has a long history of making physical and verbal assaults on others.
As for Superintendent McGinley, she is just taking to a higher level the isolate and destroy tactics of the last Superintendent. The object is to make the other side angry and then use it against them when they react.
How many "letters of repremand" did Dr. Goodloe issue against people she didn't like? She issued threats, too. And she more than once tried to pass off her private reprimands as a legal no trespass order. Looks like Arthur Ravenel walked too easily into that trap.
I agree with the poster above. Cousin Arthur (as he is known to many of us) walked into a trap.
This story isn't news. Rev. Darby just made sure it was.
Quit playing games with the agenda...and for the record, what board hires an attorney without even MEETING him?
Cousin Arthur simply wanted to meet the new attorney before making it official. CCSD board is about as dysfunctional as you can get.
I've frequently heard about Mr. Douglas' verbal assaults AND even at least one physical assault on public officials. Unfortunately, only The Chronicle seems interested in printing those stories. The Post and Courier is a puppet for the NAACP.
Thanks, Underdog. Along with the Rev. Wright, the NAACP AND the Post and Courier seem to both be stuck in the past. What an irony that picture makes. As for the supporters of the Charter School for Math and Science AND The Chronicle, these people seem to be more like Sen. Obama...a breath of fresh air who's not afraid of bringing everyone to the same table.
We need to break with the divisive past and move toward more cooperation with all sides in the future. CCSD has never understood this. McGinley doesn't get it either.
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