For most of us, that's what's known as a "no-brainer."
NCLB in this case is working quite effectively! Parents who care are opting out of Brentwood, Alice Birney, and Morningside Middle Schools in North Charleston because, because--they can! Now ordinary, middle-to-lower-income parents have the choice that richer parents have opted for all along. How American!
The P & C doesn't like this situation, and neither does CCSD. Surprised?
In the story splashed across the front of Thursday's local section, the reporter makes no mention of NCLB. If you weren't paying attention to CCSD's situation, you might have assumed that students were going elsewhere in the district on a whim! Courrege's lead says, "Hundreds of North Charleston children opt to go to middle schools elsewhere in the district rather than trying the ones in their neighborhoods." The REST OF THE STORY appears in the back pages.
According to Patricia Yandle of the District office, "Each of the three North Charleston middle schools has at least 95 students who plan to transfer to other higher-performing middle schools next school year under the federal No Child Left Behind law. . . . Most of those students were incoming sixth-graders." Of course, the schools' principals want this cadre of parents to stay. These would be the most involved in their children's education. ALMOST makes you feel sorry for them.
However, changing "perceptions" about these schools is NOT what is needed. REAL change is! And it is happening, just too slowly for these parents. Losing students like these to other schools is causing CCSD to attempt change, as can be seen from the list of "goodies" held out to the parents like an olive branch--technology, arts-infusion, single-sex core classes. Does anyone believe these attempts would have been made without the pressure of NCLB?
When the so-called "rumors" about these schools stop, when their failing status under NCLB changes, THEN these students will return. Well, not these students. By then these will have graduated from other schools that are not failing.
"The main focus for the meeting is to share with parents the new Brentwood because that's what we're calling it," Glears said. "We have a new mission and a new vision. … We have decreased our suspension rate, increased our attendance rate and we're making some positive strides."
It's hard not to be cynical when reading this ridiculous statement.
So you write a new mission statement and POOF! you have a new school we're willing to try? Are you kiddin' me? Let me guess, I guess it was that new mission statement that decreased suspension rates AND increased attendance rates. Now, do you seriously think that's enough to send our kids there?
When was the last time we had a CCSD Board member or for that matter any CCSD administrator send THEIR children to any of the middle schools referenced in the article?
I know a lot of people have problems with No Child Left Behind, but I thank God for that law.
It saved my child from Burke Middle.
who's fault is it when a child does not read , does not pay attention , does not do his or her homework , disrupts class and just hangs around or sleeps on the desk -- a school is a building , the children need to know how to behave and do what is expected of them when the enter that building -- leave the tablets and phones , fashions and bling at home -- and the parents need to do more than complain what "the school" does not do --instill pride in learning and praise them for achievments --a cook can not provide a meal when all he has is a empty pot --
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