Splashed all over the front of the P & C Friday morning was one of the most important stories to come out of CCSD this year! At least it must have been to receive the place of honor above the fold. So, was this startling information about the school district banner news about its achievements or even its failures?
Of course not. It was about
a spat among CCSD school board members facilitated by employees of 75 Calhoun. [See
Threats to McGinley's Job Alleged ].
Lost in the explosion about "he said--she said" was the reason for the anger.
Found in the detritus was a stick to beat members of the school board (mainly Arthur Ravenel, Jr.) who don't take directives from Gregg Meyers
et al. Seizing the chance to overreact in an election year, Douglas and his toadies made noises about changing the policies of the Board so that language might be a cause for public censure: "A board member who violates the code could face public discipline."
Spare us the sanctimonious simpers. No one excuses foul language, not even Arthur Ravenel, Jr., as it seems from his later TV interview today, and his explosion of temper was truly uncalled for, for the person who took the agreement with the Charter School for Math and Science to use the Rivers building off the Board's agenda was not present. In fact, no one has said who took it off, so we must read the tea leaves. Judging from remarks regarding the Superintendent, it must have been McGinley.
Needless to say,
the P &C ignored the issue, hoping not to pick at the scab that has formed over the ongoing dispute between organizers of CSMS and the school board, which is seething quietly over its inability to stop CSMS's fulfillment. That continues to be the real story.
Oh, and one other observation. Courrege apparently parrots whatever Meyers
et al say to her. How else to explain the statement that, "
Cook and Toler frequently vote with Ravenel on controversial issues"? That statement was, of course,
made to cast doubt on their neutrality in the dispute. Instead, it reveals the reporter's ignorance about the relationship between Cook and Ravenel.
May we get on to the topic at hand--when IS the CCSD board going to grapple with the CSMS agreement?
When hell freezes over?